‘Fortnite’ Locations: Where To Catch A Fish At Lake Canoe, Lazy Lake And Flopper Pond


Credit: Epic Games

It’s Thursday, so we’ve got new challenges here in Fortnite: Battle Royale. Not to say that there’s been anything regular about the challenge timing so far this season: we had two of these sets drop on one day and then a week off, and all of these were sort of a surprise given the odd limbo the game finds itself in now as it we prepare for Chapter 2, Season 2. Regardless, the Cameo vs. Chic challenges went live today, with a decent mix of location-based tasks and a few combat things thrown in the mix. If you’re still trying to catch ‘em all, you’ll want to finish these up. Read on for a guide on where to catch a fish at Lazy Lake, Flopper Pond and Lake Canoe.

All of these have been sued in previous challenges, I believe, so you might already know where you’re going. If you need a little refresher, howeve,r here’s where you’re dropping:


Credit: epic Games

Curiously enough, the named POI is actually the most confusing of them: the best way to get this done is to head towards the little pondish thing in the river, just to the west of the main POI. The other two are self explanatory, and they’ve all got fishing poles in barrels for your convenience.

So all you’ve got to do is h it each location, grab a pole and get a fish while hoping that nobody snipes you as you do. If you’re trying to get sniper kills for whatever reason, just watch out for hopeful anglers! All’s fair in Chapter 2, Season 1. You’ll be hard pressed to get these all in one match, but it’s not impossible. At the very least, you’d be able to get the two on the eastern edge of the map and get Flopper Pond the next time around.

Stay tuned to see what’s coming down the pike: Epic promised another event before the end of the season, so we can likely expect that next week. I don’t think many will be dissapointed to see this Season go, but we’ve got a little ways before that happens.

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